Heidi Hemmat KWGN Denver November 22, 2010 DENVER -- Denver International Airport is where thousands of conspiracy theories have ta...
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Sunday, March 27, 2011
Peter Levenda on Red Ice Radio 2/27/2011 - Secret Space Program & NASA's Nazis
Peter Levenda is an author who focuses primarily on occult history. Peter has visited more than 40 countries and gained access to temples, prisons, military installations, and government documents for his research. He is president of the international division of a telecommunications company and the author of Unholy Alliance.
Peter Levenda's quest for the truth began in 1979 while reading Aftermath: Martin Bormann and the Fourth Reich, by Ladislas Farago, about how Hitler's former Riechsleiter had escaped to South America after the war pretending to be a priest, protected by the "underground railroad" of Nazi sympathizers that operated and still operate all over that continent.
In this program, he discusses his work and research on the theme of the secret space program of NASA and the connection to the occult agenda of the Nazis. Peter details how the background of this philosophy spawned from people involved in various Catholic orders, adopted and refined by the Nazis and later it transitioned over to NASA via Project Paperclip. In his book "Unholy Alliance: A History of Nazi Involvement with the Occult" he describes this research in detail. He is also the author of the "Sinister Forces Triology", "Stairway to Heaven: Chinese Alchemists, Jewish Kabbalists, and the Art of Spiritual Transformation" and "The Secret Temple: Masons, Mysteries, and the Founding of America."
Topics Discussed: America, Nazi connections, Ratlines, Klaus Barbie, Martin Bormann, Walter Dornberger, Vatican, peadophilia, Spelman, Knights of Malta, Secret Space Program, paranoiac Egypt, religion, theosophy, Ahnenerbe, theosophy hijacked, Jörg Lanz Von Libenfeldt, Guido Von List, Cistercian order, 1939 expedition to Tibet, Operation Condor, Bruno Beger, flying saucers, 1947 and Nazi ideology.
THE FORUM • Re: Wormwood on final approach
In 2012 the aliens showed the attachment below , a crop circle
back in the 2000's I used to play backgammon with some1 from the SPT (South
Pole Telescope)...
floyd u got some awesome info