Heidi Hemmat KWGN Denver November 22, 2010 DENVER -- Denver International Airport is where thousands of conspiracy theories have ta...
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Saturday, March 17, 2012
http://www.rabbithole2.com/ With all these earthquakes and natural disasters is there some kind of pattern? FIJI QUAKE 9/15, 188 days after the JAPAN QUAKE 3/11, 188 days after the CHRISTCHURCH QUAKE 9/3, 188 days after the CHILE QUAKE 2/27
Was the 20 March 2012 7.4 earthquake in Mexico related or will another event occur on 3/23 or 3/24? LUCUS' theory indicates that the quake should have been or will be be in the 9 range rather than the 7 range due to the Heavy Mass Object's proximity to the earth - on the same side as the sun as the earth. LUCUS, your thoughts?
THE FORUM • Re: Wormwood on final approach
In 2012 the aliens showed the attachment below , a crop circle
back in the 2000's I used to play backgammon with some1 from the SPT (South
Pole Telescope)...
Was the 20 March 2012 7.4 earthquake in Mexico related or will another event occur on 3/23 or 3/24? LUCUS' theory indicates that the quake should have been or will be be in the 9 range rather than the 7 range due to the Heavy Mass Object's proximity to the earth - on the same side as the sun as the earth. LUCUS, your thoughts?