Heidi Hemmat KWGN Denver November 22, 2010 DENVER -- Denver International Airport is where thousands of conspiracy theories have ta...
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This a "connect the dots" type video which I compiled from 3 different sources. There is a national News source, a local News source and part of a documentary about the Inuit Indians and their climate changes.
I believe this conclusively shows that our magnetic poles are shifting and the geographical poles are slowly following suit. This is the reason we are experiencing so many earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, wild and extreme weather and mass animal deaths. Animals like birds, honeybees, fish and whales rely on their body compasses to survive and now they are getting lost and perishing in large numbers. People all over the world are noticing the sun setting in a different place than it normally does for that time of year.
ELEnin dwarf star and related threats are beginning to escalate and my August 1, 2011 safety windows could collapse at any moment, which means you need to keep your finger on the pulse of conditions until the time to bugout and meet up with your survival groups at your safe zone locations. More and more intelligence is coming in that other threat assessment analysts are giving orders for their people to deploy around the first week in July, which with other warning signs means we could be looking at a 'staged event' focused around the growing crisis in the center of the USA along the New Madrid Fault Zone. Make sure to have all of your survival food, water purification and survival supplies ready, because the crap can hit the fan at any time.
As the international power-brokers and secretive members of the global elite converge on a swanky resort in Switzerland to compare notes on their effort to crash national economies and take sovereign nations to their knees, our reporters are on the ground covering breaking events.
Prison Planet.com editor and journalist Paul Joseph Watson and Infowars.com journalist and editor Aaron Dykes have arrived in St. Moritz, Switzerland.
This year’s Bilderberg meeting is underway in Switzerland and we have reporters on the ground bringing us powerful images and video from the scene. This article will be continually updated with the latest images and videos from St. Moritz, Switzerland.
Bilderberg to Decide IMF Head Uploaded by TheAlexJonesChannel on Jun 8, 2011
Paul Joseph Watson and Aaron Dykes of the Infowars team are now at the site of the Bilderberg meeting in St. Moritz, Switzerland.
Here is their first report, documenting how the Swiss media is reporting on the front pages of their national newspapers that the new head of the IMF is to be decided at this year's Bilderberg meeting.
Yet, in the UK and the US our media either doesn't even acknowledge the group's existence or claims it has no influence on policy at all.
Alex Jones and Infowars.com have received inside information regarding the Bilderberg agenda now unfolding in the idyllic Swiss countryside.
According to AFP journalist and legendary Bilderberg sleuth Jim Tucker’s inside sources, the agenda now under review includes a number of critical issues at the top of the elite’s to-do list. These breakdown as follows:
The elite are concerned that the American Congress may soon turn against the illegal and immoral invasion under humanitarian cover by NATO and the U.S. against the north African dictator Moammar Gaddafi.
As columnist Patrick Buchanan noted yesterday, Congress is rising in opposition to bogus wars launched the by the executive branch in violation of the Constitution.
“Last week, House Speaker John Boehner had to scramble to cobble up a substitute resolution to prevent half his GOP caucus from joining with Democrats to denounce President Obama’s war in Libya as unconstitutional and to demand a total U.S. pullout in 15 days,” Buchanan wrote.
As the 2011 Bilderberg meeting kicks off in St. Moritz Switzerland, syndicated radio host Alex Jones has called for activists the world over to descend on the luxury Suvretta House hotel this Saturday at 12 noon local time to protest the secretive global confab.
In a transparent effort to block access as attendees arrive for this year’s Bilderberg meeting in St. Moritz, Switzerland, officials have claimed a bomb threat and closed a major road in and out of the historic alpine village.
Video reports on the purported bomb scare and road closure by Aaron Dykes follow:
Earlier workers erected a cloth barrier around the luxury hotel where the meeting will be held beginning today. The wall obstructing view of the hotel is an obvious attempt to prevent the media from observing the hotel grounds and possibly identifying its high-powered guests.
The Bilderberg 2011 security fence, or should that be 'a massive white fence of embarrassment'? Photograph: Charlie Skelton
Breaking news. There's been a bomb. Sorry, a "bomb". A "tubular device" has been "found" by the police, two people have been cuffed and whisked off, and the security is tightening fast. The bomb business has only kicked off in the last hour, but a photo of the arrest is winging its way down the mountain towards me. I'll post it up when it gets here.
So yes – seems that I spoke too soon about a chilled-out Swiss Bilderberg. The happy proximity of cameras and conference had already been broken, overnight, by a long white security fence, which blocked our view of the venue. No one seems to know who put it up, but the smart money says that it was hammered in at 3am by Jorma Ollila, the Chairman of Royal Dutch Shell, while Peter Voser, the CEO of Royal Dutch Shell, held the nails.
Now of course, when I describe what's gone up as a "security fence", what I actually mean is "privacy fence". It's a shower curtain, not a ring of steel. And of course, by "privacy" what I actually mean is "shame". It's a shame fence. A massive white fence of embarrassment. Privacy is what the delegates get when they close the door of their conference hall. Privacy is a Chatham House agreement not to discuss in public what was discussed at the various presentations and seminars of Bilderberg.
But this isn't privacy. It's hiding. It's a child hiding behind the curtains in case the monsters see it, and I find it weirdly infantile. Oddly unconfident. Grown-ups, happy in what they're doing, don't slide down in their car seats and slip in through side doors. You've got the world's most powerful people sneaking around like naughty kiddies. Naughty kiddies with secret service spotters on their hotel roof, and armed men on motorbikes flanking their limousines.
Appearing on the Alex Jones Show today, veteran Bilderberg reporter Jim Tucker cited his insider sources who have revealed that bankster kingpin David Rockefeller was spotted at the resort located in St. Moritz, Switzerland, where the Bilderberg meeting is now convening.
The current patriarch of the Rockefeller family is a co-director of the Bilderberg Group along with the notorious war criminal Henry Kissinger and J.P. Morgan bank director Paul Arthur Allaire.
Tucker said the NATO action against Libya heads the Bilderberg agenda. The globalists want to create a “big bloody war” in the region, Tucker explained. High oil prices and exorbitant prices reflected at the pump will be used to gain the support of the commoners for continued military action in the Middle East.
On Wednesday, it was reported that the U.S. has intensified a “secret campaign” of air strikes in Yemen, thus intensifying tensions in the region.
Thanks to the fantastic work of Bilderberg activists, journalists and the Swiss media, we have now been able to obtain the full official list of 2011 Bilderberg attendees. Routinely, some members request that their names be kept off the roster so there will be additional Bilderbergers in attendance.
Infowars will be on the scene identifying other attendees not on the list.
Belgium # Coene, Luc, Governor, National Bank of Belgium # Davignon, Etienne, Minister of State # Leysen, Thomas, Chairman, Umicore
China # Fu, Ying, Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs # Huang, Yiping, Professor of Economics, China Center for Economic Research, Peking University
Denmark # Eldrup, Anders, CEO, DONG Energy # Federspiel, Ulrik, Vice President, Global Affairs, Haldor Topsøe A/S # Schütze, Peter, Member of the Executive Management, Nordea Bank AB
Germany # Ackermann, Josef, Chairman of the Management Board and the Group Executive Committee, Deutsche Bank # Enders, Thomas, CEO, Airbus SAS # Löscher, Peter, President and CEO, Siemens AG # Nass, Matthias, Chief International Correspondent, Die Zeit # Steinbrück, Peer, Member of the Bundestag; Former Minister of Finance
Finland # Apunen, Matti, Director, Finnish Business and Policy Forum EVA # Johansson, Ole, Chairman, Confederation of the Finnish Industries EK # Ollila, Jorma, Chairman, Royal Dutch Shell # Pentikäinen, Mikael, Publisher and Senior Editor-in-Chief, Helsingin Sanomat
France # Baverez, Nicolas, Partner, Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher LLP # Bazire, Nicolas, Managing Director, Groupe Arnault /LVMH # Castries, Henri de, Chairman and CEO, AXA # Lévy, Maurice, Chairman and CEO, Publicis Groupe S.A. # Montbrial, Thierry de, President, French Institute for International Relations # Roy, Olivier, Professor of Social and Political Theory, European University Institute
Great Britain # Agius, Marcus, Chairman, Barclays PLC # Flint, Douglas J., Group Chairman, HSBC Holdings # Kerr, John, Member, House of Lords; Deputy Chairman, Royal Dutch Shell # Lambert, Richard, Independent Non-Executive Director, Ernst & Young # Mandelson, Peter, Member, House of Lords; Chairman, Global Counsel # Micklethwait, John, Editor-in-Chief, The Economist # Osborne, George, Chancellor of the Exchequer # Stewart, Rory, Member of Parliament # Taylor, J. Martin, Chairman, Syngenta International AG
Greece # David, George A., Chairman, Coca-Cola H.B.C. S.A. # Hardouvelis, Gikas A., Chief Economist and Head of Research, Eurobank EFG # Papaconstantinou, George, Minister of Finance # Tsoukalis, Loukas, President, ELIAMEP Grisons
International Organizations # Almunia, Joaquín, Vice President, European Commission # Daele, Frans van, Chief of Staff to the President of the European Council # Kroes, Neelie, Vice President, European Commission; Commissioner for Digital Agenda # Lamy, Pascal, Director General, World Trade Organization # Rompuy, Herman van, President, European Council # Sheeran, Josette, Executive Director, United Nations World Food Programme # Solana Madariaga, Javier, President, ESADEgeo Center for Global Economy and Geopolitics # Trichet, Jean-Claude, President, European Central Bank # Zoellick, Robert B., President, The World Bank Group
Ireland # Gallagher, Paul, Senior Counsel; Former Attorney General # McDowell, Michael, Senior Counsel, Law Library; Former Deputy Prime Minister # Sutherland, Peter D., Chairman, Goldman Sachs International
Italy # Bernabè, Franco, CEO, Telecom Italia SpA # Elkann, John, Chairman, Fiat S.p.A. # Monti, Mario, President, Univers Commerciale Luigi Bocconi # Scaroni, Paolo, CEO, Eni S.p.A. # Tremonti, Giulio, Minister of Economy and Finance
Canada # Carney, Mark J., Governor, Bank of Canada # Clark, Edmund, President and CEO, TD Bank Financial Group # McKenna, Frank, Deputy Chair, TD Bank Financial Group # Orbinksi, James, Professor of Medicine and Political Science, University of Toronto # Prichard, J. Robert S., Chair, Torys LLP # Reisman, Heather, Chair and CEO, Indigo Books & Music Inc. Center, Brookings Institution
Netherlands # Bolland, Marc J., Chief Executive, Marks and Spencer Group plc # Chavannes, Marc E., Political Columnist, NRC Handelsblad; Professor of Journalism # Halberstadt, Victor, Professor of Economics, Leiden University; Former Honorary Secretary General of Bilderberg Meetings # H.M. the Queen of the Netherlands # Rosenthal, Uri, Minister of Foreign Affairs # Winter, Jaap W., Partner, De Brauw Blackstone Westbroek
Norway # Myklebust, Egil, Former Chairman of the Board of Directors SAS, sk Hydro ASA # H.R.H. Crown Prince Haakon of Norway # Ottersen, Ole Petter, Rector, University of Oslo # Solberg, Erna, Leader of the Conservative Party
Austria # Bronner, Oscar, CEO and Publisher, Standard Medien AG # Faymann, Werner, Federal Chancellor # Rothensteiner, Walter, Chairman of the Board, Raiffeisen Zentralbank Österreich AG # Scholten, Rudolf, Member of the Board of Executive Directors, Oesterreichische Kontrollbank AG
Portugal # Balsemão, Francisco Pinto, Chairman and CEO, IMPRESA, S.G.P.S.; Former Prime Minister # Ferreira Alves, Clara, CEO, Claref LDA; writer # Nogueira Leite, António, Member of the Board, José de Mello Investimentos, SGPS, SA
Sweden # Mordashov, Alexey A., CEO, Severstal Schweden # Bildt, Carl, Minister of Foreign Affairs # Björling, Ewa, Minister for Trade # Wallenberg, Jacob, Chairman, Investor AB
Switzerland # Brabeck-Letmathe, Peter, Chairman, Nestlé S.A. # Groth, Hans, Senior Director, Healthcare Policy & Market Access, Oncology Business Unit, Pfizer Europe # Janom Steiner, Barbara, Head of the Department of Justice, Security and Health, Canton # Kudelski, André, Chairman and CEO, Kudelski Group SA # Leuthard, Doris, Federal Councillor # Schmid, Martin, President, Government of the Canton Grisons # Schweiger, Rolf, Ständerat # Soiron, Rolf, Chairman of the Board, Holcim Ltd., Lonza Ltd. # Vasella, Daniel L., Chairman, Novartis AG # Witmer, Jürg, Chairman, Givaudan SA and Clariant AG
Spain # Cebrián, Juan Luis, CEO, PRISA # Cospedal, María Dolores de, Secretary General, Partido Popular # León Gross, Bernardino, Secretary General of the Spanish Presidency # Nin Génova, Juan María, President and CEO, La Caixa # H.M. Queen Sofia of Spain
Turkey # Ciliv, Süreyya, CEO, Turkcell Iletisim Hizmetleri A.S. # Gülek Domac, Tayyibe, Former Minister of State # Koç, Mustafa V., Chairman, Koç Holding A.S. # Pekin, Sefika, Founding Partner, Pekin & Bayar Law Firm
USA # Alexander, Keith B., Commander, USCYBERCOM; Director, National Security Agency # Altman, Roger C., Chairman, Evercore Partners Inc. # Bezos, Jeff, Founder and CEO, Amazon.com # Collins, Timothy C., CEO, Ripplewood Holdings, LLC # Feldstein, Martin S., George F. Baker Professor of Economics, Harvard University # Hoffman, Reid, Co-founder and Executive Chairman, LinkedIn # Hughes, Chris R., Co-founder, Facebook # Jacobs, Kenneth M., Chairman & CEO, Lazard # Johnson, James A., Vice Chairman, Perseus, LLC # Jordan, Jr., Vernon E., Senior Managing Director, Lazard Frères & Co. LLC # Keane, John M., Senior Partner, SCP Partners; General, US Army, Retired # Kissinger, Henry A., Chairman, Kissinger Associates, Inc. # Kleinfeld, Klaus, Chairman and CEO, Alcoa # Kravis, Henry R., Co-Chairman and co-CEO, Kohlberg Kravis, Roberts & Co. # Kravis, Marie-Josée, Senior Fellow, Hudson Institute, Inc. # Li, Cheng, Senior Fellow and Director of Research, John L. Thornton China Center, Brookings Institution # Mundie, Craig J., Chief Research and Strategy Officer, Microsoft Corporation # Orszag, Peter R., Vice Chairman, Citigroup Global Markets, Inc. # Perle, Richard N., Resident Fellow, American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research # Rockefeller, David, Former Chairman, Chase Manhattan Bank # Rose, Charlie, Executive Editor and Anchor, Charlie Rose # Rubin, Robert E., Co-Chairman, Council on Foreign Relations; Former Secretary of the Treasury # Schmidt, Eric, Executive Chairman, Google Inc. # Steinberg, James B., Deputy Secretary of State # Thiel, Peter A., President, Clarium Capital Management, LLC # Varney, Christine A., Assistant Attorney General for Antitrust # Vaupel, James W., Founding Director, Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research # Warsh, Kevin, Former Governor, Federal Reserve Board # Wolfensohn, James D., Chairman, Wolfensohn & Company, LLC
Swiss Politician Lukas Reimann: Swiss People Oppose, IMF, World Bank and The Bilderberg Group! Uploaded by TheAlexJonesChannel on Jun 10, 2011
Swiss politician Lukas Reimann went on Alex's show and said the Swiss People's Party opposes the IMF, the World Bank, and the Bilderberg Group. Reimann plans to march to the gates of Bilderberg with Baettig and other Canton leaders.
The Swiss People's Party is the largest party in the Federal Assembly, with 58 members of the National Council and 6 of the Council of States.
Journalist Charllie Skelton: Britain's George Osborne Attends Bilderberg Meeting as Chancellor Uploaded by TheAlexJonesChannel on Jun 10, 2011
Swiss Politician Lukas Reimann Talks About Attack on Mario Borghezio Uploaded by TheAlexJonesChannel on Jun 10, 2011
Bilderberg Security Assaults EU Members of Parliament
Media mum as Bilderberg seal world's fate in Swiss secrecy Uploaded by RussiaToday on Jun 10, 2011
Bombshell: Swiss Parliamentarians to Force Way Into Bilderberg
Update: Italian politician, member of the Northern League, and member of the European Parliament’s Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs, Mario Borghezio, was beaten and arrested by Bilderberg Security yesterday as he attempted to enter the meeting and protest its secretive globalist agenda. Remarkably, Borghezio maltreatment went unreported in the United States. This would be analogous to the beating of a member of Congress going unreported. Infowars.com will cover the incident in detail.
Dominic Schreiber of We Are Change in Switzerland appeared on the Alex Jones Show today and said a number of Swiss MPS are moving forward with an effort to have Bilderberg member and war criminal Henry Kissinger and others arrested.
On June 6, Paul Joseph Watson reported on Dominique Baettig’s call on Swiss federal authorities to apprehend the former U.S. Secretary of State.
Schreiber said a Jura canton representative Dominique Baettig and members of Swiss National Council are calling for the arrest of conference participants who are internationally wanted for war crimes, including George W. Bush, Henry Kissinger, Dick Cheney, and Richard Perle.
In February, Bush cancelled a trip to Switzerland due demands for his arrest over the treatment of prisoners at Guantánamo Bay and other war crimes.
Baettig and canton leaders are demanding access to the Bilderberg meeting and plan to confront the globalist group within the hour.
Kissinger and Perle are regular Bilderberg attendees. The Infowars team now present in St. Moritz spotted the infamous neocon Perle earlier this week.
Swiss politician Lukas Reimann went on Alex’s show and said the Swiss People’s Party opposes the IMF, the World Bank, and the Bilderberg Group. Reimann plans to march to the gates of Bilderberg with Baettig and other Canton leaders.
The Swiss People’s Party is the largest party in the Federal Assembly, with 58 members of the National Council and 6 of the Council of States.
Dominique Baettig’s letter in Swiss German follows:
Swiss Politican Dominique Batteig Has A Message for Henry Kissinger, Get Out! Uploaded by TheAlexJonesChannel on Jun 11, 2011
Swiss Politican Dominique Batteig Speech on Sovereignty Uploaded by TheAlexJonesChannel on Jun 11, 2011
Robert Gates Attends Bilderberg in Direct Violation of The Logan Act Uploaded by TheAlexJonesChannel on Jun 11, 2011
Interview with Swiss Politician Dominique Baettig Uploaded by TheAlexJonesChannel on Jun 11, 2011
Astounding footage has emerged of top Bilderberg members being confronted by protesters as they walked on foot down the mountain road towards the Suvretta Hotel. Bilderberg attendees rarely ever venture outside of hotel grounds which is why this represents such a shocking development.
Bilderbergers seen in the video clip include Peter Mandelson, Google founder Eric Schmidt, Peer Steinbrück, Franco Bernabe, Jacob Wallenberg, and Thomas Enders.
In one of the scenes, a protester explains how he had a conversation with a Bilderberg member who arrogantly told him that Bilderberg were busy "setting their agenda" and that demonstrators shouldn't bother them.
Bilderberger Thomas Enders tells one protester, "don't worry about it," when he complains about Bilderberg's undemocratic foundation.
THE FORUM • Re: Wormwood on final approach
In 2012 the aliens showed the attachment below , a crop circle
back in the 2000's I used to play backgammon with some1 from the SPT (South
Pole Telescope)...